Established in 1976, CounterPulsation Inc. has a solid reputation and is well-respected throughout the medical industry. With a shared vision, our founders started the company with the intent of providing ethical and superior services, and that is exactly what we do.
We have been servicing New England since 1990, providing the following state-of-the-art mobile medical technology at major hospitals, clinics, surgi-centers and physician’s offices. All our services include qualified technicians.
Holmium YAG Laser - urology applications incl. Lithotripsy & soft tissue; Arthroscopic Surgery
1470 Diode Laser, 100 watt – for BPH and soft tissue
Swiss Lithoclast Select -ultrasonic and pneumatic treatment of stones
CO² Laser – soft tissue surgery
CO² Laser w/fiber delivery system
Nd:YAG Laser - for Urology, Orthopedics, Gastroenterology, Gynecology and General Surgery
FREDDY Laser LithoTripter - for Calculus of Kidney, Ureter and Gall Bladder
KTP/Nd:YAG Laser
Argon Beam Coagulator – electrosurgical cut and coagulation applications
Endoscopy – Storz products available per day rental
How we can help. . .
Over the past several years, the medical field has changed drastically including many modifications in the reimbursement of capital equipment purchases. We are all concerned that capital equipment costs are rising. We believe the alternative is to utilize our high tech equipment rental program. We are able to provide this service to your facility on a per patient or per day basis.
We also offer equipment and medical devices for rental, rent-to-own, lease and/or purchase.
We can also provide laser staffing and back-up as needed.
We have the solution!
For more information, please contact us anytime at 800-874-0505 or by email at info@counterpulsation.com